Will Louisiana Bats Hibernate

Baton Rouge bats are special creature since they are the only mammal that is granted with the true flight capability. They play a key role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem. Their guano can fertilize the soil and they can help in managing the population of harmful insects such as mosquito. Nonetheless, it doesn’t change the fact that they are wild creatures, and you need to interact with them with extreme caution.

Will Bats Migrate or Hibernate?
Some species of Baton Rouge bats will choose to migrate on areas with warmer climate while the others will hibernate. Once the bats notice a decline on the population of the insect and the temperature drops, the bats will be looking for a hibernation ground. Sometimes, they may find your attic a perfect place to hibernate.

The cold weather can drive the insects away. Starting from October, the animal can go through a state of prolonged torpor and may hibernate by November. They will then go out of their hibernation ground by the month of March. The pattern of their hibernation may vary depending on the temperature and the region. In places like Florida, bats will remain active all through the year.

How Are Bats during Hibernation
While there are bats that will be active during the hibernation period, most species of bats will remain inactive because of their self-preservation procedure. Once the bat enters the hibernation state, the metabolism rate will significantly drop. Their heartbeat will also considerably slow down from 250 beats/minute to 10 beats/minute. This means that they will only be using the 2% of the energy that they usually consume daily. This enables them to survive for a maximum of 6 months by relying solely on their accumulated body fat.

After the hibernation, the bat will lose more than 50% of the entire body mass. By going through a torpor state, the animal will also adjust to its environment. In order to preserve their energy, they can reduce their body temperature from 100-degrees to only 40-degrees.

Where Are They Hibernating?
Bats prefer to hibernate on secluded and dark areas. Therefore, you will often encounter bats in the isolated areas such as caves. However, there are also bats that will choose to hibernate near humans. They can choose the empty outbuilding and barns to roost since they will be undisturbed in these places. Crawl spaces and attics can also be a perfect hibernation place for the bats. Brown bats are the common types of bats that will choose to roost close to humans.

In case you think that there is a colony of bats in your attic, be sure to allow the professionals to deal with them. Bats that are not in hibernation mode will retreat through mild hazing. Wild animals can still be unpredictable so you should be careful when dealing with them. In addition, there are species of bats that are protected under the law. Disturbing the bats as well as their hibernation or roosting ground will be against the law.

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